We provide Italian short stories categorized into 4 difficulty levels (A1, A2, B1, and B2) to improve your reading abilities. Each story comes with an AI-generated audio recording, allowing you to practice your speaking as well. Give it a shot today!

Read stories in Italian

Level A1

Explore these stories created for the initial level of the CEFR. They are easy and enjoyable, focusing on subjects like introductions, family, and city descriptions.

Level A2

At this level two, you will accompany Otto through his regular days and get a glimpse into his daily routine. Dedicate some time to practice the simple past tense by reading a story about a girl and her enjoyable experiences at school.

Level B1

As an independent reader, you have the capability to delve into more fascinating subjects like emotional intelligence and technology. Utilize this chance to enhance your Italian vocabulary by reading remarkable stories and texts.

Level B2

At this stage, reading in Italian comes quite easily to you, yet continuing to practice is always a good idea. Here, you’ll discover stories that will aid in expanding your vocabulary and enhancing your reading comprehension skills.


Improve your Italian by reading short biographical texts.